Response to Climate Change activity report

Dialogue with Stakeholders

Through ongoing two-way dialogue with stakeholders based on proactive information disclosure, we aim to build a strong, trusting relationship with them. With the participation of management, we consider information and opinions obtained via dialogue from stakeholders’ perspective and incorporate them into the Group’s management and business in order to adapt to the changing needs of society.

Specific Target Details of Specific Initiatives KPIs
1.Creating opportunities for two-way dialogue with stakeholders
2.Using information, opinions, etc. obtained from dialogue with stakeholders in the Group’s management and business
3.Proactive disclosure
  • Conducting employee satisfaction surveys.
  • Holding meetings with clients (fund investors, etc.).
  • Creating, maintaining, and managing communication tools (e.g., company brochures).
  • Disclosing information via the website, etc.
  • Creating opportunities for two-way dialogue with business partners.
(With regard to tenant satisfaction surveys and employee satisfaction surveys, refer to the “Provision of Peace of Mind, Comfort and Health to Tenants” and “Training and Capacity Development of Personnel in Charge of Sustainable Growth” sections under Materiality)